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Featured Pipe



This page of the AIP website is where members can post photos and a description of a pipe they find to be of particular interest and about which they have a particular knowledge.  Displaying the pipe in this way will also allow people to comment on it and submit additional information so that the description can be improved.


The ‘featured pipe’ will be updated at intervals and the previous descriptions added to an archive that will gradually build up a reference source of information about different types of pipe.


If you have a pipe you would like to share through our website please send photo's and a description to our administrator, Dr. Susie White at



Imperial French alabaster pipe

(Collection: Arjan de Haan)



This featured pipe is an oddity, hand carved from a large, single piece of white alabaster.


On the front the pipe depicts the French imperial eagle, surrounded by low relief flowers. On the bottom is a depiction of Bacchus, the god of wine, surrounded by grape vines. The rear of the pipe has a cartouche with the text: "Souvenir du Sahara". And on the left and right ride of this pipe are the initials of the owner: B (left) and P (right).


This is a fairly large pipe, ca. 10 cm. tall and very heavy. This could not have been comfortable to smoke. This pipe was presumably carved by a French soldier during thew colonial period. Probably late 19th century (after 1884)





































Fig. 1. Left side displaying one of the initials: "B".

Fig. 2. Right angle showing the elaborate relief carving .







































Fig. 3. Top view.

Fig. 4. Right side displaying one of the initials: "P".



































Fig. 5. Bottom view displaying the head of Bacchus.

Fig. 6. Another view from the top. .







If you have any further information or comments about this pipe, please contact us at 

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If you have a general query about the Academy please contact Dr Susie White, our administrator, at or at the postal address given below. Members of the Board will be happy to answer any specific points that you may wish to address to them.



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Académie Internationale de la Pipe

Pipe House Chapel

Garth Road

Garth, Llangollen

LL20 7UY

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